Veraison: Color emerges

When grapes first begin to form on the vine they are very small and green. From bud bread (the first growth of the season) in MidMarch until veraison in mid-July, the grapes grow to their full size and remain green.

Then Veraison arrives!

During veraison, grapes for red wine will transition to their beautiful purple color (through gorgeous stages of pink) and white grapes will turn slightly golden.

Most importantly, veraison signals a chemical shift in the grape toward ripening—sugars will start increasing and acidity will start dropping. It means that harvest is on the horizon (in 40-70 days).

If you’re fortunate enough to be in wine country during mid to late July, it’s like a treasure hunt to check on the multi-colored grape bunches as version sets in across the vineyards.

Luscious purple grapes, glowing golden bunches—the iconic images of wine grapes hanging on the vine—come into their beauty during veraison.


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White Wine in Napa Valley